Tax Consulting and Advisory

Tax Consulting and Advisory

Tax Advice and Planning

Tax advice and planning are of universal business importance, ensuring that the tax burden is no higher than it should be. The growing complexity of tax regimes and constant changes to tax laws makes it almost impossible for any individual to keep pace with the evolving world of both local and international taxation.

Our main role as tax consultants is to check and ensure that you are paying only the taxes that you are supposed to; no more no less and that you keep abreast with the ever changing tax laws and provisions.

Our tax division recognizing that taxation constitutes a major business cost is able to provide advisory, agency and tax compliance services in a myriad of areas.

Our tax team has a reputation for creative solutions tailored individually to meet the client needs.

The range of services provided by our tax division includes:

Annual Tax Compliance

Our vast experience in this field has enabled us to deal with the tax affairs of corporate as well as individuals in various industries and sectors. We offer:

Tax Health Check

Tax health check is a methodological approach that we adopt in reviewing financial transactions with an objective of advising on the nature and extent of the exposure of organizations as regards to tax liabilities.

In the review, we are able to observe areas that organizations can confront in a bid to minimize on these tax liabilities. At the end of the review, we are able to help organizations come up with a formidable tax plan that minimizes on tax risks and maximizes on tax opportunities and help reframe tax objectives and goals. Here are the key areas of focus in undertaking this assignment.

Transfer Pricing

Transfer pricing is the setting of prices of controlled transactions at arm’s length. A transfer pricing policy is a strategic tool required by the management of related companies to support their cross-border transactions and compliance with the relevant revenue authorities. 

Our vast experience in this field has enabled us to deal with the transfer pricing issues of corporate as well as individuals in various fields of industries.

Tax Planning

Effective tax advice and planning that is tailored to the businesses needs and realities can help organizations adapt to all of the environments in which they operate, respond quickly to changes, mitigate risks and even gain a competitive edge. Business tax costs can be excessive and often place a burden on profits and capital. However, enterprises can often reorganize their operations to enhance tax benefits.

As businesses become ever more global, their operating structures are adapting to manage complex supply chains. Much of the recent focus has been on reducing costs through centralized procurement and shared service centers. These commercially driven changes can have huge tax implications and there are real benefits when businesses incorporate tax planning into the business strategies.

Celerity Associates helps organizations integrate tax planning into business operations to help maximize growth opportunities, minimize expenses and risk, enhance return on investment and drive efficiencies across operations. Now, more than ever, tax needs to be an integral part of strategic business decision.

Now, more than ever, tax needs to be an integral part of strategic business decision.

International Taxation

Celerity Associates has entered into various collaborations and associations with consultants and organization all over the world. With such kind of arrangements, we are able to provide real-time and accurate advice of tax matters in jurisdiction all over the world. Other tax services offered include

Partnerships and Affiliations

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