Accounting Solutions

Accounting Solutions

Under The Accounting, we offer different services.

Book keeping amp Accountancy

Where we under take the actual posting of entries in the accounting system either on client site or a toursitein which case the client has to avail the necessary documentation to us. At The end of every month, we provide specific reports necessary for management decision making. We also provide detailed management accounts with note sand explanations on monthly or quarterly basis as may be agreed.

Payroll Administration

This is where we under take the management of client payroll by ensuring that payroll accounting is done timely and accurately to meet both the client needs and the regulatory compliance requirements. We also conduct specialized payroll reviews to ensure compliance to the Income Tax Act. We have various specialized local software.

Accounts Review

This is a key component of accountancy that adds value by supporting the client accounting staff by reviewing work done on a monthly basis and reporting to the management the extend of accuracy and reliability of the work. We also report on the non-compliance if any to accounting standards and tax regulations.

Training on Financial Accounting

The key component is that Celerity associates offers a wide variety of financial accounting and finance training courses to our clients so that they can gain the knowledge of financial management today.

Some of the trainings offered are Quick Books, tax, financial reporting and internal auditing

Contact UsCall us: 0726 431 661
Asset Management Solutions

Under this service portfolio, we under take to audit fixed assets of organizations, provide asset-tagging solutions, help document fixed assets, Management policies and procedure, systems of internal control with regard to fixed assets. We collaborate with related ICT companies to ensure that, high value consulting for our clients.

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